Friday 9 November 2018

Get to the Point

Learning Outcomes: 6A2 and 6D2

This session allowed us to partake in a number of idea generation tasks based on our own anxieties and questions surrounding our own creative progression as we look beyond graduation. The session began by us writing anything that came to mind in regards to this topic on post-it notes and then putting them out of sight. This allowed us to initially 'brain dump' all initial thoughts. After we focused on our main concern - mine was about finding the right studio for me, one I enjoyed and felt challenged within. It also then covered my concerns about travelling to enhance my creative practice, moving to London and a few others related topics. We then moved around the table and continued to expand on other peoples concerns, offering our similar thoughts or ways in which they can feel better about a particular concern. 

As a group, we concentrated on the common issue of 'how to be confident enough in your work to get into the studio that fits you'. We all researched different aspects in relation to this concern such as tailoring your work to a specific studio and only including the work that you are passionate about. This then allowed us to think about how we could make this knowledge accessible to others and we decided that it could be most useful to publish some information about it on platforms such as Its Nice That or NEST. The user would be able to select the options relevant to come up with solutions on what to include in your portfolio and how to structure the cover letter. 

We had to describe our research/concept in the form of a tweet and then translate this into a set of emojis - 'a portfolio is like sending a nude, only pick your best ones and be selective with who sees it'.

Overall, this session was helpful as I realised that others were also having the same concerns as me and now we have researched as a group on ways to enhance your portfolio for each design studio, I feel more confident overall. 

PPP - Briefing

(Split into 4 sections)
Being a professional 

  • The Ladder podcast is being released soon
Brief 1: Personal Branding/Promotion
  • Tell the world what you do and everything about you as a creative
  • Post all relevant things on bog with learning outcomes at the top that link to what you are about to write about 
Brief 2: Design Strategy 
  • Every interaction you have with the professional sphere that helps to progress or establish your career 
  • Build a website 
  • Get online press
  • Send real mail
Getting the right design studio for you 

  • Make a blog to show your passions within the creative world
  • Show genuine interest in the studio you are contacting, make the email/letter of interest personal
  • Make sure you contact the right person in the team, especially in big agencies 
  • You have to love all of your portfolio, no fillers