Wednesday 25 October 2017


Reflection on particular periods of time can be a good way to set off a new wave of motivation for the coming weeks, focusing in all of the elements that could lead to inspiration and also taking a moment to be grateful for the experiences you have had as an individual. 

My experiences over summer:
  • Parklife Festival
  • reunited with friends from home
  • met new people
  • finally saw Mura Masa
  • Moved into new uni house
  • had to deal with the house not being ready to move into 
  • nice meal out with parents
  • excited ready to start 2nd year
  • Got a puppy 
- cute
- tiring to look after and train
- nice long walks with family and friends
  • Vietnam
- first trip travelling alone
- Honoi
- Ha Long Bay
- Ninh Binh
- Hoi An
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Mekong Delta
- Cu Chi Tunnels
- Ho Chi Minh
- Hanoi
- Sapa
  • Thailand
- Bangkok
- Koh Tao
- Koh Phanang
- Koh Samui
- Koh Phanang
- Bangkok
  • London
- Bricklane
- Shoreditch
- Nomadic Community gardens
- Franks Cafe
- St Pauls Cathedral
- Coppa Club brunch

- Photography
- Vintage shopping
- Street Art
- Rooftop installation at Franks Cafe
  • Brighton
- Bomb on the train on the way through London
- Walked around North Lanes
- Photography
- Designed in a coffee shop
- Beach
- House party and met lots of new people
  • Bike Rides
- good exercise and increased fitness
- adventure
- picnics
- learnt to penny board
- with best friends
  • MediaPort assistance role
- sorted out promotional packages for a company
- learnt about working in a printing workshop
- spoke to the Graphic Designers
- motivation to get a degree and start to work as a professional 

What do I want to develop?
  • Create more personal work
  • Continue commission work/entering competitions
  • Create online portfolio/website so that I can apply for internships
  • Use LinkedIn
What might my practice be? e.g. process, research, human

  • Branding
  • Packaging 
  • Editorial design 
  • General creative
Travelling Reflection
I made the decision to travel to South East Asia solo over summer to be part of a 2-week tour of Vietnam and then with enough time at the end for me to see what I wanted to do depending on who I met and how I felt about the experiences I would have already had. I think that by not letting any form of anxiety stopping me from going and getting on that plane to get out there, was in itself the first experience that benefited me in the long run. It showed me that it is the first step that leads to the most enriching experiences in life. In the design industry, it is the first steps that will get you somewhere. Design agencies are not likely to contact you, you have to contact them or show a big interest in their work for them to offer you the opportunities to work with them. 

I met a lot of people all from very different backgrounds and even cultures that I would now consider to be my close friends. We taught each other a lot and being part of each other's journies is something that can be related to the design industry. Becoming a successful creative is about your journey as an individual and also with the influence from those around you. The main observation that I had whilst travelling was the realisation that each person was travelling for a reason, often to escape from reality for a short period of time so that they could get the time to figure out exactly what direction in life they want to take as an individual. Travelling to fill a gap of not knowing exactly which direction to go with your career was very common and it wasn't until the end of the trip that I began to reflect upon the fact that I have a path to follow, I know exactly what I want to be when I graduate. I was travelling for a refresh and as a way to enhance my creative influences. I arrived home much more motivated and determined to do well at Graphic Design as I had a direction, I had a passion that I wanted to pursue. 












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