Thursday 3 November 2016

Time management

This video visually shows you how an average person would use each hour of their life and what you have left for personal time and leisure activities. The vast amount of hours you use up sleeping is very eye opening and made me think that I don't actually need to aimlessly scroll through social media, take long naps and that I could use my time much better.

I started to think about where I have my best ideas and compared my findings to the findings in 'The stress report'.
I am most inspired after having spent time in a city and then taking time to sit in a coffee shop and draw up my ideas and inspirations from the day. 
I like the atmospheres in coffee shops because it is the interactions and relationships that I observe that inspire me and make me feel my most creative. Seeing the happy conversations, usually caffeine driven, influences my work and confirms that I am creating to please others and make other people's environments pretty.
The findings suggested that mid exercise is often a time when a person has their best ideas. This does not apply to me, as I use my time at the gym to zone out from work and completely just focus on making my heart beat fast and tiring myself out in a way different to working. 

The Pomodoro technique is a proven way of increasing productivity, a factor very important when improving time management. I want to start to use my time in a way that means I will need to dedicate less time to a particular task because the time that I do spend on it is well planned and not disrupted by different distractions.

The technique focuses on distractions and how they can reduce the quality of the work produced. It is important to remove all distractions and set a time period in which you want to get a particular task completed in, set a timer and stick to it. This should be repeated 4 times with 5 minute breaks and then after 4, a 15-20 minute break is allowed. The use of times will conditions your brain to work to specific targets, making meeting deadlines much easier and overall reducing stress.


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