Friday 8 February 2019

Networking advice

1. Try and work out who you ideally want to speak to ahead of time and do a bit of research on them 
What do they look like? (so you can say hello), what are they interested in? (so you can start a relevant conversation and find shared interests), what will they be talking about? (see point 3)

2. Have a bit of an elevator pitch practiced
It doesn’t have to be complex, it can just be “I’m ___, a graphic designer who is interested in __ and __. My passion/mission is to _____ because _____.” Refer back to our What, How, Why model if you want do put something together really effective. 

3. Be sure to prepare and ask a question and go and speak to the people who’ve been on stage during the event and ask another question
If you’ve done your research, you can have a few questions ready ahead of time. They might not be relevant on the day as the speaker might have answered them or be talking about something else, but it’s good to be prepared. You can think up other questions and write them down during each talk, then make a point of going to the speaker afterwards, introducing yourself, telling them that you thought their talk was great and following up with a question. 

4. Have some easy means of keeping in touch with you to hand
Either business cards or a social media handle that’s easy for them to follow. Be sure to follow them in advance or during the talk and tweet/post about their talk, maybe in IG stories, tagging them and the event organisers/anyone else involved. It’s great when you do a talk and people engage online, its a good way to get speakers to follow you back as well. 

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