Friday 8 February 2019


One of the first design tasks in PPP was to produce a website in the 2 week deadline to show what we want our online presence to be like. The website needed to represent our design work accurately and also give an implication of our personality etc. I had a website that I had created using Adobe Portfolio which functionally worked, but aesthetically could be improved. I had made this website when I initially rebranded as HJR DESIGNS and the design was based on the colour palette that I mentions and the logo was round and flashed through the colours. I liked it, but it just didn't represent me and the work that I produced. 

I decided to try out a new platform called as a way of refreshing my online presence and having to work to the new constraints of a different server. Ready Mag worked as a continuous scroll which was different to most websites I had ever worked with. This meant that I had to really think about the ordering of the website and the content within. I experimented with the different ways in which the top of the website would look and how I could instantly gain the attention of the user. The use of an image just made the overall presentation too busy so I oped for black instead. I used the cover images to act as first impressions and allow for the user to click on them to be directed straight to the project if a particular one stood out to them rather than having to scroll all of the way down the page. 

I also thought it was important to include a section called news, a live stream of the current projects I was working on or announcements about designs that have recently been released. 



Get rid of maybe in the about paragraph - show confidence 

Move logo over to left as home button - it is the place that people will naturally go to click when wanting to be redirected back to the first page of the website. 

The logo needs the white outlining to be removed as it is now against a black background. 

Look on for inspiration and different ides of making the most of the infinite scroll and how it can be utilised rather than seen to be restrictive. 

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