Friday 8 February 2019

Pro advice for snagging the top spot

Leading on from the self promo talk this morning, I found this article that had been shared by RobotFood on LinkedIn. The article shares some advice on what qualities you need to become a top creative director, shared by leading creative directors. 

1. Treat each project like it's your first

"Every job, big or small should be given the same energy. Complacency is the killer of good creative and spreads like wildfire if left to do so."

2. Trust your team 
Your main role is to look after your team and encourage them to flourish which means that you need to trust them to do a good job. 

3. Don't run a dictatorship 
Everyone has ideas and should be allowed to express them and put their own stamp on the business. 

4. Give good feedback
You need to be confident, yet decisive so that ideas can be nurtured and the passion won't be lost. Make the feedback constructive and helpful. 

5. Get your hands dirty sometimes
"It's all too easy to dictate some instructions and let the creative struggle to translate that idea on their own."
6. Be happy to be hated 
You need to be willing to take some risks and not always strive to be liked.

7. Stay true to your studio's vision 
"Without this, work is not going to deliver on the image the agency wants and in turn won’t attract the desired work in the future."

8. Know when to shut up 
Take time to listen to your team and learn from them.

9. Don't let bad things happen to good ideas
Need to copyright work etc. to ensure that the good ideas do not have anything bad happen to them. 

10. Share the love
Share what you know with the wider world and don't be afraid because it will help you to also meet new people. 

11. Create the right environment 
The studio environment can really impact the work that is created so make the atmosphere fun for the designers. 

12. Keep your mind open 
As well as making sure your work is well rounded and being open to any new developments, this can help keep you inspired within your own specialism.
13. Preach 
"There's nothing worse than seeing a project presented by someone who doesn't really get it. Doesn't understand it, or really like it. If the person presenting doesn't believe in the work, there is no reason for the audience to care,"

14. Don't get bogged down 
The best creative work comes when the mind isn't bogged down with stress. 

Although this article was about being a creative director, there are some points that were made that I found useful for my own progression such as treating each project like it is your first and the importance of having the passion. I also thought it was helpful to ensure that when I do start working in a studio I can make sure that my creative director is someone I enjoy working for and offers the creative support that they should. 

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