Saturday 16 February 2019

Studio of the future

Learning objectives: 6B2, 6A2

New Studio:
An international collective of designers and architects, set up an identity that represents all to create a bigger wider network/authoritative output

NineSixteen: 9:16
Only produces content for phone screens (9:16), selling specialism.
Clearly defining what they deliver.

Kyra TV: A New Age TV Network
New youth facing media platform, all-most content lives on youtube. Simple concept, repeatable format, super targeted audience. Simultaneously builds Instagram and youtube.

Mother: NY
New York public library, turned classic books into Instagram stories. Successfully targeting a younger audience.

Set studio ten years in the future, create a studio of the future.
Groups, no more than six
Design Sprint:
Create 5 min presentation that covers:
  • the name and branding of studio
  • predicted trends
  • how studio meets new needs 
  • pricing services
  • fictional case study, customer, what you've done  

Potential trends:
new social media formats
AI's role in creating communication
Roles of data to drive projects
Voice search

Hannah Rice
Emma Blackman
Neve Ball
Emma Shuffleton
Sophie Rose

The Pitch:
  • Name/Branding
  • Predicted Trend - AI
  • How You Meet These Trends
  • Pricing
  • Fictional Case Study

The power of influencers - Fyre Festival, how to transfer that to a studio - a database of influencer, sections of influencers
Social Media
AI - how AI can be incorporated within a brand, how AI can be used to sell a lifestyle, virtual reality- studio ran by an AI
searches lates data sources to find the most engaging format of the content to be used, an algorithm for a perfect outcome
human and machine vs problem, AI can conduct research quicker for a greater turnaround
AI in computer system, to aid research and initial investigations

  • Heuristic
  • Trend: AI
  • Branding studio that uses AI in a computer system to aid research and initial investigation to help designers develop more accurate outcomes with a greater chance of success.
    • With the uprising of AI, more and more businesses are starting to appear which take out the human element of design. Companies such as WIX have implemented logo generators, allowing business owners to skip the middleman and use computer programmes to create designs. However, these generators tend to repeat designs making branding less personal. Computer generated designs do not have the thought and concepts behind them that humans can contribute. Therefore, to work with AI, as not to become obsolete, we intend to use Heuristic search techniques which narrows down the search for optimal solutions for a problem by eliminating options that are incorrect. This allows us to use AI to research design solutions and work with the most refined concept to create a personalised outcome, bridging the gap between personalisation and technology.

Takes the time out the process
Less back and forth
Get consumers to accept but we create a bridge

AI in a studio environment
In a computer system in a studio to aid research and initial investigations

Artificial branding
Intelligent branding

Heuristic search techniques: Support that narrows down the search for optimal solutions for a problem by eliminating options that are incorrect.

  • The power of influencers - Fyer Festival, how to transfer that to a studio - a database of influencer, sections of influencers
  • Social Media
  • AI - how AI can be incorporated within a brand, how AI can be used to sell a lifestyle, virtual reality- studio ran by an AI
  • searches lates data sources to find the most engaging format of the content to be used, an algorithm for a perfect outcome
  • human and machine vs problem, AI can conduct research quicker for a greater turnaround
  • AI in computer system, to aid research and initial investigations

Branding studio that uses AI in a computer system to aid research and initial investigation

Names Ideas :
  • Algorithms
  • Still learning
  • Decision tree
  • Heuristic:
    • Heuristic search techniques: Support that narrows down the search for optimal solutions for a problem by eliminating options that are incorrect.

Branding studio that uses AI in a computer system to aid research and initial investigation to help designers develop more accurate outcomes with a greater chance of success.

AI influence within the research design process

How Studio Meets New Needs:

Case Study:
Roots and Fruits
Vegetarian/vegan cafe expansion in 10 years time
Logos and branding need to be on trend to reach the target audience and promote the idea that sustainable eating/food sourcing is a main focus within society. The Ai system would be used to conduct all research regarding the impact that meat eating has on the environment and how the trend of sustainability has branched out into our eating habits.
Who Roots and Fruits are:
Roots and Fruits has been a vegetarian café in Leeds for over 20 years

What we could do for them:
Using AI to establish a larger audience and expansion across to other locations.
The customers would need to trust them as an established company who have put a lot of research into the development of a vegetarian and vegan menu focusing on customer wants and nutritional needs.
We would help to expand the audience through the branding and online presence based on AI research - promotion etc.


Final outcome

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