Friday 8 February 2019

PPP re-briefing

PPP Re-briefing 

each item you blog, write which learning outcomes you are evidencing 

inspiration from other peoples work 

skills you are learning 
how you position yourself now 
contacting and building a network 
anything you do off of your own back - see someone doing something interesting 

personal branding 
the way this has been shared and distributed
make business cards and show how they reach people
showing that when emailing and sending out for placements it is all on brand and consistent 

using the personal branding in the real world
maybe show the way that you present logos and pitch ideas to clients?
how you write your website content and linked in profile etc. 
design strategy - journey to secure placements + talks + conversations

6A2: Demonstrate specific knowledge and specialist understanding of the professional and contextual location of their practice.

Are you showing me that you ‘get’ graphic design and how your approach to it fits into the wider profession? This could be evidenced in anything where you discuss the type of work you’re making, why you are keen to learn/experiment with a new skill and how you think that will allow you to work on different things moving forwards.  

6B2: Undertake research to identify and evaluate their personal and professional skills and the career or progression opportunities available to them.

What professional opportunities are you well suited to and/or how can you start making work/secure placements while you study to make it more likely that you can achieve your professional goals moving forward? Research this. Blog about any research you do. Tell me what you found, what it taught you and how you will practically move forward with that in mind. What actions will that research instigate?

6C2: Develop and implement a personal promotion strategy to communicate to relevant organisations.
*is this focus on our personal branding e.g. website, social media, business cards?

Yes, it is personal branding in that regard. But for me a ‘strategy’ can’t stop at just making a site, designing some business cards that you’re never going to even print and having consistent branding across your social feeds. The strategy is the things that you do to draw people’s attention to your work. If you do one of those 365 days of type-style things on your insta feed, that’s strategy. Writing an effective email or sending something physical to a studio you want to work with, that’s strategy. Trying to get work published online, going to events making sure you know who you want to speak to and having an elevator pitch rehearsed and ready, that’s the stuff that will really get you marks for 6C2. You still need the site, socials and personal branding to get the marks, but I want to see them used

6D2: Use a range of appropriate communication methods to present themselves as a professional practitioner to a relevant audience.

Document all the ways that you try to reach out to people in a professional manner. Assess the success of emails you’re sending and use the blog to reflect on why they did or didn’t work. Show me that you’re trying to connect with people in a variety of innovative, well-considered ways that pull on the various advice I’ve shared, along with any other advice you find through research that you think is at least worth experimenting with. Show why the method you chose was the best one, or how you might try again if your first attempt failed. These communication methods could include but are not limited to: Talking face-to-face with people (at events or workshops), re-writing and curating your LinkedIn profile and feed, presenting yourself and your work on instagram (inc. stories) in a way that’s engaging and well planned, contacting studios and brands to build connections and applying for jobs, placements or internships. 

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