Friday 8 February 2019

Personal promotion strategy

As a result of deciding to change my instagram presence to fit with my new branding and way in which that I promote myself as a designer online, I have received lots of feedback from various people. Some of my friends who study business and marketing degrees gave me some suggestions on ways in which I can build up a bigger following on instagram and start to get more likes. 

My initial strategy was to upload regularly just to build up a visual platform of my work and not worry too much about how many likes I get, relying on the fact that if people see stuff that i visually succinct then they will follow an like the future posts. This has worked, but I think I can go back on my posting and try to push for more likes on them. This will be done by using the comment feature and adding the hashtags there so that they can eventually be deleted. 

Hashtags on the post will help to promote the type of work that it is. One suggested finding a design account with a bigger following and a similar style to the work that I have uploaded and then copying the hashtags that they make as it shows that they are relevant. 

I have found relevant accounts and categorised the types of posts that they have in order to create a group of hashtags that I would personally use for my posts. This has been really successful and my following has grown a lot since I started to do this and just general interaction with other accounts I have found to be a really positive thing. 

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