Sunday 20 May 2018

Collaboration: Bali

In more detail on my Studio Practice blog:

As part of the OUGD503 module I started a collaboration with Kristina Sergeeva as I approached her about a brief she published based on Bali and the hidden truths for women. 
As we met and discussed the project it became apparent that as a photographic journalist she should focus more on the current issues and with that in mind the project focus was changed to focus on the impact that the natural environemnt had had on the locals of Bali and how they are now having to rebuild their own communities are the earthquake. 

The final outcomes needed to be in the format of a zine and a photobook. The final publications handed in for my module deadline have since been developed as we have worked together a lot more since and made a lot of mock ups looking at ways it could be developed even further. 

An investigation into the way human beings, in light of all of the difficulties brought by the environment, employ creativity to solve their problems, one day at a time.

A photo book and informative zine designed to respond to the environmental impact of the volcanic eruption within Bali, concentrating on the isolation and inequality of the women. The driving concept behind the photography and design choices is based on how human being's in light of all the difficulties brought by the environment, employ their creativity to solve problems. One day at a time. In the most basic ways, using their skills of weaving baskets to overcome the difficulty their environment has brought them.

We then decide for the zine to move away from the coloured pages of quotes because this did not reflect the photo book in the way we intended. This problem was overcome by creating a zine in a more traditional manner and with more consistency in comparison to the photobook. During this process we printed off many prototypes to try and establish which parts were/were not working. 

Final Zine

Final photobook

What I have learnt:

  • set very strict deadlines
  • research production methods before finalising the design
  • production at this point as creatives is very restrictive when a large number is not being ordered
  • two creative minds works very well
  • need to stick to our own roles more
  • hard to work with a photographer because they know how they want their work to be presented and find it hard to change this based on my opinions
  • but it did open my mind to new ways of thinking in terms of layout and presentation of images to their best format
  • proffessional printing places are expensive
  • I need to learn more about production 
  • I want to work on publication design over summer

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