Saturday 19 May 2018

Life's a pitch: Research 1

The new wayfinding system will need to consider the new part of the University that we have yet to see, so with this in mind research into what will be added and the overall appearance of the new building was an important process. The research will ensure that anything designed will fit with the new style of building and also include the new rooms that will be in the building. As it will be a new space, it might be important to consider that there may be movement and that courses might switch rooms once or twice to determine what works best. An interchangeable and easily adaptable wayfinding system may need to be designed. 

Things to remember:
  • Don't be guided by the website - keep the logo
  • Colours - gold & black
  • Simple but creative
  • Multi-cultural
  • Must work for disabled

The New Building:
"The project is being developed on the current car park area at Blenheim Walk, creating a five storey building, 6,000 square metres in size using a bespoke design drawn up with architects DLA Design. It will accommodate purpose-built art, design and performance facilities for increased student numbers and new courses... Some of the higher education and postgraduate courses currently taught at the Blenheim Walk campus will move across to the new facility. In addition, the new building will allow us to create a more diverse mix of courses including the introduction of BA (Hons) Filmmaking and BMus (Hons) Popular Music Performance in 2018."
"Specialist facilities will include a 230 seat auditorium, music, film and photography studios, and a larger specialist arts library. There will also be an open plan atrium-style entrance with a public exhibition gallery and coffee shop"
New Courses & Facilites:
  • Filmmaking
  • Popular Music Performance
  • Auditorium
  • Music Studio
  • Film Studio
  • Photography Studio
  • Library
  • Gallery
  • Coffee Shop
The design company designing the new building for LUA is called DLA and research into them as a company and then what they had proposed for the University was important to establish the aestheitc that we should go for and how the different types fo systems could work within the space. 

"DLA Design is an award winning architectural practice which embraces the creative energies of its Architects, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects, Technologists and Graphic Designers to produce intelligent and inspirational building designs.  With 120 staff in three offices in Leeds, London and Manchester, DLA have been delivering high profile projects for almost 40 years throughout the UK and overseas. "

Ethos: Design
"A commitment to high quality and innovative design is at the very heart of the projects we create and deliver. Our working method begins with a study of the wider contexts; social, economic and environmental, that have both given rise to and will also inform the task. We then work collaboratively and creatively with our clients and stakeholders to assemble the detailed brief. It is here that ideas emerge, both practical and aspirational, which act as key design drivers later on. It is also here that true innovation and design quality begins. By addressing the very particular needs of our clients and by being responsive to the issues of our time, we believe it is possible for our projects to play a transformational role within the wider community that we serve."

Ethos: Community

"DLA Design is committed to the long-term viability of the communities with whom we work. Our challenge is to create places where people want to live, work, play and importantly stay. This means working collaboratively with local authorities, communities and our developer clients to help create neighbourhoods with a life/work balance, which offer job opportunities, affordable housing, good public transport and a safe and attractive public realm. In addition to a focus on environmental responsibility, we are also committed to public involvement and charitable support."

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