Saturday 19 May 2018

Life's a pitch: Presentation

The final presentation started with a presentation of slides and then we played the video afterwards in order to clear up any confusion and show exactly what the way finding system would look like. 

As mentioned on the 'meetings' blog post, we made a google docs presentation so that as a group we could all contribute to the completion of the presentation. This worked really well to ensure that everyone was getting all of the ideas across and also so that the workload was fair. 

  • concept
  • rationale
  • augmented reality
  • app design
The presentation had a small amount of text because it was better for each of us to take a section and say in more detail about it to the audience. This would be a more engaging option that just reading format the slides. The presentation ended with some of the mock ups and images of the app design as this was the best way to clearly show the audience what the idea was and how it would appear if used within the LAU building. 

We discussed the ways in which this idea could have flaws but how we would overcome them. One of the problems would be if the visitor did not have a QR scanner on their phone installed but to overcome this problem a link is also provided as an easy way to log onto the way finding system. Another problem could be if someone actually did not have a mobile device to use for the system, this would mean that the reception of LAU would need to have a reasonable number of devices that could be handed out to visitors if needed. 

Overall, the presentation went well because we all went up together and split the delivering of the idea. A question that arose was about the consideration of those who are blind or visually impaired. Our response to this was that there would be an option for a voice to direct them around the building in the same way that the app is designed to visually direct people around the building. This was also discussed to be a problem for any way finding system that was being developed and maybe the technology as an approach would be the most sucessful in order to provide a good option for those with visual impairments. 

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