Tuesday 15 May 2018

OUGD504: Final reflection

Overall the OUGD504 module was one that I enjoyed, but have learnt a lot from. Studio Brief 1 was a little harder in terms of time management because of the sudden change of project purpose and swapping of contents. It was a very good lesson to work with a client, but this did result in the first two weeks of the project having to be spent repeating the summer work in order to fit the new brief and then missing out of valuable development time. Working with a client has taught me that it is important to set strict deadlines between the two of you in order to not fall behind on work. Unfortunately my client took longer than expected to deliver the content to me, leaving me with a lot less time that needed to complete a large number of experimentations and developments. In order to account for this change of brief by the uni it would have been beneficial to also extend the time in which we were given to work in it. 

Once the content had been exchanged I did then find this a really useful way to ensure that I was only concentrating on the best ways in which to present the content, rather than writing the content based on how I want the design to visually appear. The large number of pages needed for this publication was a good opportunity for me to develop my confidence with layouts and working on maintaining consistency throughout the design. The use of a modular grid, a multiple of set image sizes, set typeface choice and size and then also the text alignment, visually I maintained consistency. 

In terms of production, I am happy with the overall outcome of the prototype as it has been said to look professional and well put together. If produced in industry, the design idea to use foiling on the front cover would have been successful. this was resolved by redesigning the front cover and although it isn't the original intention, it still works with the rest of the books visuals. The printing quality is also something that would be improved if printer on industrial laser printers. I am happy with the overall print as the colours are vibrant and transferred well onto the chosen stock of Olin Regular. 

Studio Brief 2 was the most enjoyable brief as designing for screens is something I have not had much experience in, meaning that I learnt a lot of new skills and developed new ways in which I can work within the Graphic Design discipline. Having the full amount of time set for the brief to concentrate on developing the content, designs and final outcomes as a whole process I felt was beneficial as I could really get stuck in and work hard on the adaptations in order to create something fairly refined as a final outcome. 

In order to produce a prototype of the users interface interaction, Adobe XD would need to be used as it allowed for the art boards and different elements to all be linked up in the form of a wireframe. This helped with the design process as well as the final presentation of the app because throughout development it highlighted any elements of the app that did not flow, did not function as intended and also if elements/features were missing. 

To also enhance the presentation of the app and the concept behind it all, I decided to learn how to use Adobe After effects as this had been shown to be the most professional way to animate the content in which I had designed. The process was longer than it needed to be as I had never used the software, but with the help of a peer I was able to put together an animation that showed the scrolling within an app through the articles section. In order for more of us to produce outcomes to the same level that they would in the industry, it would be useful to be able to attend more workshops teaching particular skills for each of the softwares that we have not used before.  

As an overall module, the way in which it began as design fro print and then ended in design for screen I found it to be very engaging because it enabled my skills to be developed in different ways ready to push in projects to come. The visiting professionals throughout this module came at very relevant times as I was able to take some of their advice or apply the ways in which they approach particular project types and use it in my projects. This enabled me to engage more with the development and production parts of the briefs as I was having to learn new methods in order to produce outcomes of a particular standard. 

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