Saturday 19 May 2018

Life's a pitch: Meetings

Over the course of the project we decided that Wednesday was the best day for us all to meet during the day as we often did not have a scheduled studio session. 

Meeting 1
In our first meeting we estabsihed the different research roles that each person would have so that we could build up a big body of research very quickly. 

Hannah and Liam - visual research. Visual research entails existing systems and their uses, similar systems across Leeds
Callum - presentation. This entails the structure, layout and aesthetic of the visual presentation, alongside the scripting of it as well as further aids such as hand outs, and physical prototypes.
Amy - materials research. Researching into sustainability, cost, durability etc.
Char - initial design sketches and development. Coming up with initial designs for our chosen idea to be refined and developed in next weeks meeting.

Meeting 2
In our second meeting we continued to look our initial idea of the interchangeable signs that would be present around the university. We started to look into our type choices and how we would create the mock ups to show in the presentation. However, after consideration I mentioned to our group that the idea we had was slightly boring for the brief that we had been given. The sign idea would work perfectly for a University environment and would allow for adaptations to be made for different events and room changes but we go to an ARTS university and therefore as creatives need a creative and exciting way finding system that will stand out from the others. The brief clearly says that there are no limitations to our ideas and therefore we can go ALL OUT. 

Meeting 3
This meeting was to ensure that all of th different elements had come to gether redy for the proeetation. We planned the content for the prsentation and then to make it fair we did it on a drive online presentaion document so that everyone could have an even input. This allowed for all of us to communciate via the group chat and then all edit the presentation in real time. This worked really well to spread the workload between us all and to also ensure that everything was included that was needed. 

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