Sunday 20 May 2018

Creative strategy: Evaluation

The presentation was a positive experience and despite feeling anxious I felt as though I was able to talk about the different points I had planned to in what seemed to be a confident manner. The timing of the presentation was accurately 10 minutes which was due to the planning of each little section of the presentation, but if to repeat the presentation I would spend a little more time discussing the creative report and what advice I received from it. I started the presentation by explaining about who I am as a creative and that as a designer I am someone who likes to travel, explore new places and interact with people as a way to get the most out of my creativity. This then became the basis of the presentation and acted as a the content for the journey I explained. I was able to talk about the different ways in which these particular parts of me as a creative had been met. The collaborations, community work, creative report, work experience and then my progression and interest in motion as a way to more succinctly communicate ideas all further confirmed this style of personal creativity. A point to improve on would be the inclusion of a bit of a conclusion in terms of how the journey has worked out as it was obvious to those who picked up on it, but for those who did not it would have been a nice way to end the presentation. One of the questions that was asked at the end of the presentation was about why the particular design agency was contacted for an internship. I hadn't instantly linked the two aspects together, but then I realised without even meaning to that it was the communication aspect within the studio that had drawn me to want to go back and work there. Honey as a design studio work on the basis that each person within the studio works on the same project each with their own jobs and then at the end of the day no one leaves before everyone has finished. I thought that this was a really nice atmosphere and it is this communication that as my presentation has pointed out, I see to be a positive. 

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