Thursday 23 March 2017

Studio brief 2: Brief and interpretation

Design, develop and produce self branding that effectively communicates and promotes you as an individual, designer and learner. To inform your design decisions you should reflect upon your learning aspirations and design direction. You should aim to communicate the context of your interests by referencing specific designers, studios, principles and audiences where necessary. 
You should use this brief as an opportunity to explore, develop and demonstrate content, processes and area of design that interest you at this point in time and may indicate your emerging creative concerns in Graphic Design. 

Questions that will shape the process:
Who are you now?
What have you learned?
What skills do you have?
What do you know?
What do you believe?
What are your social, ethical, creative and professional concerns?
What information do you need to include?
What tone of voice best reflects you, your practice and ambitions?
What experiences have shaped your opinions and view both in and outside of the programme?
What are your creative concerns, opinions and beliefs and how do you communicate these practically, conceptually and practically?
What has informed these decisions and who are the contextual references that reflect your individual focus?
What is 'Brand You'?
What fonts, formats, colours and production methods will help communicate and enhance your content?

I will need to find out how people see me as an individual and creative, and then compare this to what I consider my personality and design style to be. 
I will need to consider the concept that I want to convey, the design style of the branding and the production methods.

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