Tuesday 28 March 2017

Studio brief 3: Answering questions

What have you learned and what do you want to learn? 
- mockups are just as important as the final idea
- printing is expensive
- involvement in the art scene is vital
- graphics is part of everyday life
- you have to be passionate to get through the workload
What mistakes have you made and how have you learned from them? 
- time management is so important
- only I can make my to do list shorter
- being more productive leaves more time for fun
- Leeds is such a creative city
- I thrive off of adventures and exploring new places
- pomodoro technique is so useful
How will this affect your future development? 
- I am less stressed when I don't put things off and let everything build up 
- I will get to sleep more 
- I will get to explore more places
- higher quality of work because it will not be rushed
- I will get more time for fun
What are your strengths and how have you/will you develop them further? 
- finding independent coffee shops > do more research and ask other people
- being a part of the art scene > search for more events further away than just in Leeds and have the confidence to go alone if it is something I am really interested in
- using experiences to inform design decisions more > blog about it as soon as possible and instantly make links to projects that I am working on 
- experimentation > use the experiments and document them more so that they get recognised as part of the process
What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address these? 
- final outcome quality > learn from others around me and watch tutorials to learn the softwares to a much higher level
- using generic mockup templates > learn how to make my own
- I find it hard to accurately and efficiently present my full idea as a final outcome > take a lot of advice from crits and apply it to the work 
What have you enjoyed and why?
- studio visiits > inpiring
- Barcelona > getting to know a different groups of people which has made the studio environment nicer and friendlier
- visiting professionals > inspiring and reminds me why I want to do well on this degree as it gives me something to aim for
- learning how to use the manual settings on the DSLR camera > I can get exactly the style of photo that I am aiming for, not what auto thinks I want to get
- going to open studios and gallery opening nights > sociable and allows for ideas to be deeply discussed which is something I enjoy. The events also remind me of my passion and that I want creativity to be something that drives my career and future.
What have you disliked and why? 
- that all the workshops weren't at the beginning of the year > could have used more of the techniques to improve earlier projects
- reliance on the digital printing room > hard to plan ahead to know when to print and so expensive
- not knowing how to use after effect > moving graphics and videos are becoming a lot more popular and it is something that i cannot do. I am planning to use summer to learn how to use this software so that next year I can begin to use it for some of the studio briefs.
- the large number of briefs that happen at once > I get confused as to what I should prioritise and how much time to spend on each
How does this affect your ambitions? 
- not knowing how to make videos has helped me feel ambitious about learning over summer and taking the traveling that I am doing as an opportunity to get some nice footage and the need to create something that reflects the experiences that I will have had
- not knowing how will slow down the process, but it will also help me to learn it more in depth as I will have to teach myself how to do everything
- I will have to use what I have learned about time planning and apply it to being able to think about when I ned to book printing slots
What did you want to get from the year? 
- produce stuff that I am proud of 
- gain the confidence to talk others in the same field or creative industry with confidence that they respect my opinion and knowledge
- attend creative events that I wouldn't have before
- learn how to present final ideas in a professional way
Have you achieved this? 
- I have a collection of work that I have uploaded to social media or have happily speak about with other people
- when at events I have shared my ideas with other like-minded people and I have also gained the confidence to speak to the visiting professionals, making the most of their knowledge and advice
- I have been to lots of opening nights and art events now, making them a priority over other plans has been something I have enjoyed and found to be valuable
- there is a clear progression from the beginning of the year until now in regards to my final presentation of work
What have you discovered that you weren’t expecting?
- visiting professionals are my main source of inspiration
- I now approach briefs in a new way, ensuring that I conduct the research, produce initial ideas and then development work. This was a process that I was unsure of and lacked confidence in at the beginning of the year, so I am happy that I now have a clear understanding of the steps that need to be taken. 

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