Tuesday 28 March 2017

Studio brief 2: Final presentation and evaluation

This was the first presentation I had ever done alone to an audience of 40 people, so I was nervous. To help with nerves I had to keep remembering that everyone was in the same position and that my ideas will sound much more interesting if I am confident about them. Overall I am happy with the presentation, but there are a few things that I could improve if I was to deliver this again. I think the order in which it was presented could have been improved so that my creative journey was easier to explain. It was suggested that I need to focus my self branding on the explorer concept. I should be branded as an explorer and use the illustration to get myself out there in the creative world, making an account and documenting my experiences with the illustration being part of each of the pictures. 
The rice branding should then just be used as the identity to pull all of it together and make it professional. 

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